Tif'eret is a Hebrew word that encompasses how I want to live my life every day. It is said to be the characteristic that melds art and science, blends heaven and earth, and creates a wholly new way of being by perfectly balancing judgment and restriction with complete open-heart, open-mind compassion. The balance depends on context. Not surprisingly, it corresponds to the middle of the human body, and to a centered way of viewing life with both a clear mind and solid emotion regulation. When I was a professor and had a research team logo, it was a tree made as a representation of the kabbalistic tree of life and there was a green circle in it representing tif'eret, which I designed to glow and have a WCP carved beside it. Those initials stood for Whole, Complete, Perfect. That is what tif'eret represents to me. One of my former students who became a colleague made my lab logo come to life. I had an idea in my head and she brought it to life. She has once again done the same thing, taking my idea for a Tif'eret Press logo and making it actually happen.
More than that though...
I am very proud to say that the first book being made by this brand new publishing company will be first-authored by her, Melissa Londoño Connally. I am the co-author, and the message of this book fits incredibly well with tif'eret.
The title of our book is To Be With Me. It is a short trauma healing book(let) for parents and children alike. It has a format that is unlike anything I have ever seen before, which was Melissa's idea, and I think a great one! It is interactive and informative. I don't want to give away too much too soon. But stay tuned!
#balancebetweentop-downandbottom-up #reparenting #ACT #playtime #intergenerationaltrauma